79R3340 JTR-D

By:  Raymond                                                      H.R. No. 68 

WHEREAS, The year 2005 marks the 250th anniversary of the founding of the city of Laredo, and this memorable milestone offers a fitting opportunity to reflect on the city's unique stature in the history of the Lone Star State; and WHEREAS, Founded in 1755 as San Agustin de Laredo, the city is the oldest independent settlement in Texas, and its status as an indispensable center of commerce has continued to the present day; and WHEREAS, With the establishment of the current border between the United States and Mexico, Laredo assumed even greater prominence as a gateway between the two countries, and the city's rich and vibrant culture reflects profound influences from both sides of the Rio Grande; and WHEREAS, Mindful of the importance of preserving their city's past, Laredoans have wisely chosen to celebrate its architectural legacy even in the midst of its bustling modern downtown, and this astute balance of traditional and contemporary values epitomizes Laredo's unique appeal; and WHEREAS, Similarly, Laredo's storied past is but prelude to a future bright with promise, and as its proud citizens celebrate their beloved hometown's birthday throughout the year, they may take pride and satisfaction in the limitless opportunities arrayed before them; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commemorate the 250th anniversary of the founding of Laredo and extend to its citizens sincere best wishes for a successful celebration throughout the year.