79R3887 MAM-D

By:  Goolsby                                                      H.R. No. 99 

WHEREAS, The passing of William E. Peavy, Jr., on December 26, 2004, at the age of 85, concluded a remarkable life of professionalism and public service; and WHEREAS, Raised in Dallas and Garland, Mr. Peavy was the son of William E. Peavy and Gladys Nash Peavy, both members of pioneering North Texas families; his maternal grandfather was Thomas F. Nash, a Dallas County judge and cofounder of the city of Garland; after attending Garland High School, Mr. Peavy graduated from The University of Texas in 1941, where he was a member of Delta Sigma Pi; a selfless patriot, he served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy in World War II; and WHEREAS, After returning from the war, Mr. Peavy settled in Garland and founded the Peavy Insurance Agency with his mother; the family–owned and family–operated company grew to be one of the largest independent insurance agencies in the Dallas area, and he earned designations as a chartered life underwriter and chartered property casualty underwriter; ever mindful of insurance industry standards, he served as a member and president (1978-1979) of the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas and received the Drex G. Foreman Award in 1988, and he was also a board member of the Independent Insurance Agents of America; and WHEREAS, Mr. Peavy, a passionate proponent of volunteerism, was an altruistic citizen of the Garland community; he served as a city council member, president of the administrative board of the First United Methodist Church, president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and president of the Eastern Hills Country Club; and WHEREAS, After his retirement and move to Austin in 1991, Mr. Peavy enjoyed socializing with friends on the golf course, his home away from home; never deterred from pursuing his game, he was a mainstay on the golf courses of Austin; his fellow players were delighted by his friendly presence, and he never failed to brighten the days of those around him; and WHEREAS, Mr. Peavy's outgoing and generous personality will long be remembered by his loving family and friends and by those who were touched by his commitment to civic service; he was a giving individual who contributed an inordinate amount to professionalism in Texas; he also doted on his wife, children, and grandchildren, who knew him as a loyal family man with little standing in the way of quality time spent together; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of William E. Peavy, Jr., and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife, Joanna Peavy; to his son, Carl Peavy, and his wife, Linda; to his daughter, Judy Boreham, and her husband, Roland; to his sister, Doris Hubbard, and her husband, George; to his grandsons, Richard Alexander, Gregory Peavy, William Alexander, and Christopher Peavy; to his four great-grandchildren; and to the other relatives and many friends of this esteemed gentleman; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory or William E. Peavy, Jr.