79R2304 MMS-D

By:  Solomons                                                     H.R. No. 115

WHEREAS, Through his outstanding work as a public member of the Sunset Advisory Commission, Howard Wolf has rendered exemplary service to the people of the Lone Star State; and WHEREAS, Appointed to the commission by Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst in 2003, Mr. Wolf has given unstintingly of his time and talents in helping that body to carry out its critical charge; his deep engagement in the work of the commission, his comprehensive grasp of mountainous information, and his acute analytical skills have all been invaluable to the agency in its ongoing efforts to assess the effectiveness of state policies and government organizations; and WHEREAS, When choosing a vantage point from which to consider an issue, this distinguished Texan is prone to seek a view from the "ionosphere," in order to take in the entirety of the matter; endowed with abundant energy, keen intelligence, and an engaging manner, he has won his colleagues' high regard for the informed judgment and lively discourse he has brought to their endeavors; at the same time, his dapper presence has lifted the sartorial level in every room he has entered by at least several degrees; and WHEREAS, A native Texan, Mr. Wolf joined the law firm of Fulbright & Jaworski in 1959 and retired as a partner in 2003; his willingness to surrender well-deserved leisure with his wife and children in order to assume this most recent post is an eloquent testament to his great civic spirit, and his exceptional devotion to this state and its people is indeed deserving of warmest commendation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor Howard Wolf for his dedicated service as a member of the Sunset Advisory Commission and extend to him sincere appreciation for the commitment and ability with which he has met the responsibilities of this office; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Wolf as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.