79R3242 JNC-D

By:  Dunnam                                                       H.R. No. 126

WHEREAS, KWTX-TV in Waco is commemorating 50 years of broadcasting in 2005, a significant milestone in its notable history; and WHEREAS, KWTX first went on the air on April 3, 1955, and in its infancy helped introduce the citizens of McLennan County to the limitless potential of the television medium to entertain, educate, and inform viewers and to stimulate discussion of important local, regional, and national issues; and WHEREAS, Throughout its existence, KWTX has faithfully reflected the tastes and values of its viewers, airing such community-relevant programming as Waco High School assemblies, church services, and music recitals; and WHEREAS, Although the television industry has undergone numerous changes during the past half-century, KWTX has remained a steadfast and welcome presence on the airwaves; the station pioneered a half-hour local newscast in the late 1950s and has covered a host of historic events since that time, including live coverage of presidential addresses at Baylor University and exclusive coverage of the Branch Davidian standoff at Mt. Carmel in 1993; and WHEREAS, Over the years, local television stations have served to update, enlighten, and unite people across Texas and the nation, and after five decades of service to the community, KWTX continues to incorporate the latest advancements while upholding the proud traditions of the television industry; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commemorate the 50th anniversary of KWTX-TV and extend to all those associated with the station sincere best wishes for continued success.