79R4230 JNC-D

By:  Davis of Dallas                                              H.R. No. 158

WHEREAS, People from throughout Texas and beyond are celebrating the February 5, 2005, opening of the new George Washington Carver (GWC) Museum and Cultural Center; and WHEREAS, The first neighborhood museum in Texas devoted to African American history and the only African American cultural center in Austin, the Carver has played an important role in the community for nearly 75 years; when the original historic building was moved to Kealing Park in 1933, it served as the Austin Public Library's first branch and the first library in town for African Americans; a larger facility was built to accommodate the needs of area library patrons in 1980, and the historic building was redesignated as a black history museum, but again the needs of the community outgrew the facilities, and plans were soon under way for a new museum and cultural center and a new addition to the GWC campus complex; and WHEREAS, This 30,000-square-foot facility features an artist gallery, theater, dance studio, classroom, darkroom, orientation room, conference room, and gift shop; in addition to housing its impressive collection of books, photographs, manuscripts, maps, and other materials that document the history of African Americans, it will also present exhibitions that focus primarily on black history and culture; three permanent interactive exhibits include the first in the nation to document the historical significance and celebration of Juneteenth, as well as "Austin African American Families," which promotes the importance of family history, and "Let's Pretend, Dr. Carver," a children's exhibition commemorating African American scientists and inventors; and WHEREAS, A true Central Texas treasure, the George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center aims to increase awareness of our state's rich past, and its efforts to promote education will undoubtedly help to preserve the Lone Star State's history and culture for future generations; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commemorate the opening of the George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center and extend to all those associated with this venerable institution best wishes for success in this exciting new era for the museum and for the people of Austin; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the museum as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.