H.R. No. 183

WHEREAS, Kidney Day at the Capitol on February 8, 2005, provides a fitting opportunity to focus on the problems faced by kidney patients and the public policy issues that affect these individuals; and WHEREAS, Hosted by the Texas Renal Coalition, this important day brings together many of the groups that are interested in the welfare of kidney patients in Texas, including medical professionals, the National Kidney Foundation Affiliates of Texas, family members of patients, and the patients themselves; and WHEREAS, In Texas alone, some 36,000 patients are on some form of dialysis, while approximately 8,000 individuals have undergone a kidney transplant; dialysis technology has improved greatly over the past several decades, allowing patients to live full and healthy lives; in one exceptional case, a woman gave birth to a child after being on dialysis for four years, and another person has been on dialysis for almost 30 years; and WHEREAS, The Texas Renal Coalition and the National Kidney Foundation Affiliates of Texas monitor health policies for both dialysis and transplant patients and seek to improve public awareness of kidney disease through educational programs; the Texas Renal Coalition functions as a clearinghouse for information related to legislative issues and serves as a forum for all parties involved in the treatment, research, and educational programs related to kidney disease; and WHEREAS, Meeting the health care needs of the Lone Star State's citizens is one of the many goals of the Texas Legislature, and creating awareness of kidney disease is an important element in achieving this worthy objective; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby recognize February 8, 2005, as Kidney Day at the Capitol and commend the many individuals who contribute their time and energy to helping those who face kidney disease. Dawson ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 183 was adopted by the House on February 8, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House