79R4136 MAM-D

By:  Martinez Fischer                                             H.R. No. 211

WHEREAS, The congregation of West End Baptist Church of San Antonio is celebrating the 100th anniversary of their church on March 20, 2005, and this momentous occasion provides a fitting opportunity to reflect on the rich history of this venerable house of worship; and WHEREAS, In March 1905, with seven members and two ministers, West End Baptist Church opened in a one-room, rented building in a densely wooded area on Culebra Road; the Reverend P. H. Haywood was the group's first pastor and under his leadership the congregation grew steadily; he also helped organize the purchase of the present sanctuary's lot and the construction of a small frame house on the property; and WHEREAS, In the 1930s the church expanded rapidly to include more than 3,000 members and a number of organizations, including the first layman's league in the district, the mission circles, the girls' auxiliary, the shepherd boys, and the starlight band; by 1946, the church was debt-free and boasted a nursery school, a board of directors, and plans for a new building, which opened its doors four years later; and WHEREAS, West End Baptist Church was completely modernized in the 1990s under the wise stewardship of Dr. A. Bernard Devers, the congregation's current pastor; he initiated many new programs and a complete upgrade of the church's facilities, including new computer equipment and an expanded office staff; one of the most sought-after preachers and Bible teachers in San Antonio, Dr. Devers, like his predecessors, has served his congregation with selfless devotion, and the church has greatly benefited from his prayers and direction; and WHEREAS, Since its founding a century ago, West End Baptist Church has provided spiritual leadership and unwavering support to those who have worshiped there, and the church stands as a tribute to the dedication and deep commitment of its members, past and present, who have devoted their time, prayers, and financial resources to ensure its continued existence as a house of worship; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the members of West End Baptist Church on the joyous occasion of the church's centennial and extend to them sincere best wishes for a meaningful and memorable observance; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the church as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.