79R4472 MAM-D

By:  Geren                                                        H.R. No. 223

WHEREAS, A. Dwain Mayfield is retiring from his position as vice president of marketing initiatives with Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company; and WHEREAS, As a member of the company's management team, Mr. Mayfield has served as a senior advisor for all Lockheed Martin Aero fighter and transport business initiatives; he was formerly staff vice president for marketing and strategic planning and was responsible for future planning, market analysis and development, and program definition; since 1961, he has worked in Fort Worth, first with General Dynamics Corporation and then with Lockheed Martin when they acquired the Fort Worth operation; and WHEREAS, Mr. Mayfield earned a master's degree in business administration from Texas Christian University and bachelor's and master's degrees in engineering from Texas A&M University; he has maintained deep ties with A&M as the company executive responsible for university relations and as a member of the advisory council for the dean of engineering; he has also served on the university's international studies advisory board, the Private Enterprise Research Center board, and the Bush School of Public Service and International Policy board; and WHEREAS, Retirement from an outstanding career in business and engineering will mark a new chapter for Dwain Mayfield; supported by his wife, Lynda, and their son, David, he will no doubt take pleasure in his many hobbies, which include hunting, skiing, and managing the family farm and ranch; he leaves Lockheed Martin with a legacy of professionalism and a host of colleagues who wish him continued success and happiness; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate A. Dwain Mayfield on his tenure with Lockheed Martin and extend to him sincere best wishes for a fulfilling retirement; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Mayfield as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.