79R5656 MAM-D

By:  Hilderbran                                                   H.R. No. 267

WHEREAS, Residents of Concho County are gathering at the State Capitol on February 15, 2005, to celebrate the role their county has played in the history of our great state; and WHEREAS, The legislature formed Concho County out of Bexar County in 1858, but it was not formally organized until 1879; the area has a rich history of settlement, as evidenced by the existence of Indian pictographs above the Concho River, near the county seat of Paint Rock; the O. H. Ivie Reservoir has been the location of the most extensive archeological research in the county, and it indicates occupation as early as 10,000 to 8,000 BCE; and WHEREAS, The area was so attractive to early settlers because it provided plentiful food and water along the northern, protective edge of the Edwards Plateau, near the Concho River; the county was named for the river, which in turn was named for the abundance of mussels found there; the Central Texas region boasts rolling terrain in the north and flat land broken by creekbeds in the south; and WHEREAS, The county is a desirable destination for visitors who enjoy outdoor activities such as boating, hunting, and fishing, as well as those who appreciate historical sites like the Paint Rock pictographs; the Concho County Fair is held annually in August and September, a time when residents come together to celebrate rural life; and WHEREAS, In 2004, residents of Eden, Paint Rock, Eola, Lowake, and Millersview played an important part in preparing for a productive future; they came together to celebrate rural life and discover the treasures of their county through community meetings and tours, and founded the Concho County Connection to advance the commercial, agricultural, industrial, civic, and tourism interests of their region; it is a pleasure to pay tribute to this fine Texas county and its citizens on this special day; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby recognize February 15, 2005, as Concho County Day at the State Capitol and extend to the residents of Concho County here today sincere best wishes for an enjoyable visit.