79R4890 MMS-D

By:  Edwards                                                      H.R. No. 388

WHEREAS, Our fellow member, who has spent two decades rendering exceptional service to his constituents in Harris County and to citizens throughout the Lone Star State, the Honorable Harold V. Dutton, Jr., is celebrating his 60th birthday on February 17, 2005; and WHEREAS, A native of Houston's Fifth Ward, Representative Dutton graduated from Phillis Wheatley High School and received a bachelor's degree in accounting from Texas Southern University; he later returned to TSU to earn his J.D. from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, on whose faculty he now serves as an adjunct professor; and WHEREAS, Representative Dutton was formerly associated with Julia C. Hester House as its executive director and spent a number of years with Conoco, Inc., where he held management positions in corporate planning and economic analysis; as the president of Four Star Broadcasting, he subsequently obtained an FCC license to operate TV-67, an independent UHF station, which began airing in the Houston area in early 1986; his law firm, Harold V. Dutton, Jr., and Associates, specializes in the area of civil rights and employment discrimination; and WHEREAS, First elected to the legislature in 1984, this distinguished gentleman currently chairs the House Committee on Juvenile Justice and Family Issues and serves on the public education and the general investigating and ethics committees; he also holds a seat on the steering committee of the House Research Organization; and WHEREAS, Throughout his legislative career, Representative Dutton has championed measures that would enhance the human resources of the state by helping more Texans to achieve their full potential; his many legislative achievements include successful sponsorship of the state's first statutory program to assist women-owned and minority-owned businesses, initiatives to strengthen public education, especially alternative education, and creation of incentives to improve the availability and affordability of insurance in traditionally underserved areas; and WHEREAS, The recipient of numerous accolades, Representative Dutton has been named a Distinguished Alumnus of the TSU School of Business and honored by the United States Small Business Administration, the newspaper Forward Times, the Hispanic Journal, the Texas Women's Political Caucus, and the American Civil Liberties Union, as well as by the Houston Police Officers' Association, Harris County Deputy Sheriffs' Association, and Afro-American Sheriff's Deputy Association; while in law school, his stellar record won him a listing in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, and he was also designated an Outstanding Young Man of America; and WHEREAS, Harold Dutton is the proud father of seven children and an active member of Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church, where he serves as an usher and sings in the male choir; in his leisure time, he can often be found engaged in a vigorous match on the tennis courts; and WHEREAS, Deeply committed to advancing the cause of social and economic justice in the State of Texas, Representative Dutton continues to embody the highest standards of public service, and it is a pleasure to pay tribute to him as he prepares to embark on a new--and no doubt equally productive--decade; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Harold V. Dutton, Jr., on the occasion of his 60th birthday and extend to him sincere best wishes for the coming year; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Representative Dutton as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.