H.R. No. 481

WHEREAS, The certain knowledge of a life well lived tempers the profound sadness that the passing of Ruby Sue Wilcox Clifton of Houston brings to all who loved this esteemed lady; and WHEREAS, Born on April 20, 1910, in Houston County, Mrs. Clifton studied at Sam Houston State Teachers College and received a degree from the University of Houston; and WHEREAS, Devoting her life to education, Miss Ruby served 38 years with the Houston ISD and retired as assistant superintendent of board services; her leadership helped the district through the turbulent years of integration, and she earned the lasting respect and admiration of her colleagues as well as many recognitions for her service, including a national life membership in the Congress of Parents and Teachers; the Ruby Sue Clifton Middle School was dedicated in her honor in 1979; and WHEREAS, This notable community leader was the first woman to be named chairman of the board for First Educators Credit Union; again employing her exceptional leadership abilities, she helped the organization to meet the challenges of the 1970s and 1980s and become fiscally stronger; in recognition of her contributions, she was named Chairman Emeritus of First Educators Credit Union as well as the 1994 National Credit Union Director of the Year, and in 2003, the Ruby Clifton Scholarship Fund was established in her honor; and WHEREAS, Miss Ruby served as secretary of the Gulf Coast Association of School Boards for 25 years, and she was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, the YWCA board, the Greater Houston Youth Council, and Texas Women in Action; she also was a longtime member of the Houston Area Retired Teachers Association, which honored her as the first recipient of the Dr. Kate Bell Memorial Award; and WHEREAS, A devoted congregant at St. Mark's United Methodist Church since 1946, she served the church in many positions, including as a member of the board of trustees, and her dedication and tireless efforts were recognized with the Brother Ed Award; and WHEREAS, Known as a determined and successful advocate who fought in behalf of education, teacher retirement funds, and credit union issues not only in Houston, but also in Washington and Austin, this remarkable and beloved woman leaves behind a legacy of good work and achievements that will continue to inspire and benefit her fellow Texans for years to come; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Ruby Sue Wilcox Clifton and extend sincere sympathy to Gylene Wilcox, Paula Arnold and her children, Lisa and Clark Martinson, Jenny Bennett, the Reverend Dick White, Kelly Frels, Bill Young, Billy Reagan, and Gary Tusa and to the other members of her family and her many friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Ruby Sue Wilcox Clifton. Wong ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 481 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote of the House on March 23, 2005. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House