79R6494 JNC-D

By:  Alonzo                                                       H.R. No. 537

WHEREAS, Residents of Dallas lost a beloved neighbor, friend, and educator with the untimely passing of Vincent Paul Langbein on February 7, 2005, at the age of 58; and WHEREAS, Born on April 6, 1946, Mr. Langbein was a noted educator who inspired countless young people during a distinguished teaching career that spanned more than three decades; and WHEREAS, Mr. Langbein began his tenure with Bishop Dunne Catholic School in 1972, and over the years this dedicated theology teacher moderated the speech and bowling clubs, coached tennis, chaired the theology department, coordinated spiritual retreats, established the ecology club, and helped to raise money for South American rain forests; he encouraged his students to commit themselves to a life of faith and service, and his noble words and actions had a profound effect on many lives; and WHEREAS, His outstanding service earned Mr. Langbein a place in the Bishop Dunne Hall of Fame, as well as recognition by the Meadows Foundation and honorary membership in the Bishop Dunne Chapter of the National Honor Society; and WHEREAS, Imbued with tremendous warmth and kindness, Vincent Paul Langbein was a devoted educator, mentor, and friend to those who were privileged to share his life, and while he will be greatly missed, his memory will live on in the hearts and minds of the many people whose lives he touched; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor the life of Vincent Paul Langbein and extend deepest sympathy to all those who mourn the loss of this beloved gentleman; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Vincent Paul Langbein.