79R8342 MMS-D

By:  Zedler                                                       H.R. No. 712

WHEREAS, Jeff Williams of Arlington has been selected to receive the 2004 Tom Vandergriff Leadership Award from Young Men for Arlington; and WHEREAS, Raised in Sherman, Mr. Williams gave early evidence of the energetic drive and tireless desire to contribute to the broader good that have distinguished his adult career; in high school, he served as president of his senior class, the National Honor Society, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes; as a student at Texas Tech University, he served as vice president of the student body, editor of the student magazine, and student lobbyist to the Texas Legislature and U.S. Congress; and WHEREAS, Mr. Williams earned a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Texas Tech in 1981 and went to work as a project engineer for a construction company in Wichita Falls; in 1984 he moved to Arlington to join Graham Associates, Inc., where he is now a partner and executive vice president; currently engaged in planning for Interstate Highway 30, he counts among his past projects such prominent area landmarks as the Ballpark in Arlington, the River Legacy Living Science Center, and the Parks Mall; and WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan has donated his professional services to countless community endeavors; he designed the preliminary site plan for the Rotary Sculpture Garden in Meadowbrook Park in Arlington, conducted a presentation to gain approval from the Park Board, and made other presentations to engender public support; he also donated the structural design for a monument in Gene Allen Park that was developed by artists in Arlington's sister city in Germany; and WHEREAS, Mr. Williams has played a vital role in the Arlington Chamber of Commerce, where he presently serves on the board of directors, Economic Development Council, and Downtown Development Council; in addition, he chairs the chamber's Mobility Task Force and represents Arlington on the Regional Rail Corridor Study for the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex; and WHEREAS, After working in a professional capacity on the Living Science Center, Mr. Williams joined the River Legacy Foundation Board of Directors in 1996; he is presently serving his second term as board president, and under his able guidance, the foundation has been selected as the 2004 Organization of the Year by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram; and WHEREAS, Mr. Williams and his wife, Karen, are the proud parents of three children, Natalie, Suzanne, and Ryan; through his dedicated support of organizations in which his son and daughters have been involved, Mr. Williams has given generously of his time to Arlington youth; one of the first mentors for the Richard Greene Scholars program, he has also served as a leader in the YMCA Guides and Princesses program and as a member of the YMCA Council of Elders and Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, He has shared his love of sports as a softball coach with the Arlington Girls Softball Association and as a baseball coach for the Arlington Optimist Senior division; his 1997 softball and 2003 baseball teams won the sportsmanship award, and his softball squad won three consecutive city championships; and WHEREAS, Together with his wife, Jeff Williams hosts the Martin High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes in his home every week; he also heads the Martin High School Choir Booster Club; and WHEREAS, A valued congregant of First Baptist Church, Mr. Williams presently chairs the Building and Drama Committees and serves as a youth camp counselor; and WHEREAS, For two decades, Jeff Williams has exemplified the qualities of citizenship that create strong, vibrant, and caring communities, and it is indeed a pleasure to join in honoring him at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Jeff Williams on his receipt of the 2004 Tom Vandergriff Leadership Award from Young Men for Arlington and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued success in all his endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Williams as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.