79R9498 MW-D

By:  Strama                                                       H.R. No. 717

WHEREAS, Youth and adults affiliated with Cub Scout Pack 156 of the Tomahawk District, Capitol Area Council, are rendering outstanding service to their community while enjoying the many opportunities for adventure and fellowship that scouting affords; and WHEREAS, The admirable young people who belong to Pack 156 include: Alexander Daughett, Austin Anderson, Austin Byers, Brice Buchhorn, Darius Williams, Doc Loiselle, Ian Sequeira, Jacob Adams, Jacob Liston, Jacob Perez, Jeffrey Marsaglia, Jesse Rivas, Keith Martin, Michael Abusafi, Nicholas Hepner, Nicholas Russell, P. Sad Karim, and Raymond Rohde; and WHEREAS, The knowledge and self-confidence that these boys will develop through their participation in scouting will give them a strong foundation on which to build, and society at large also gains immeasurably from the talents, civic involvement, and leadership skills fostered by the scouting program; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby recognize the scouts and scout leaders of Cub Scout Pack 156 for their achievements and community service and extend best wishes to them for continued happiness as they continue their involvement in scouting; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Cub Scout Pack 156 as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.