H.R. No. 771

WHEREAS, Pastor Edward Goodman Eskew of Del Rio celebrated the milestone of his 79th birthday on February 7, 2005, and this occasion provides an apt time to recognize him for his invaluable contributions to his community; and WHEREAS, Born in 1926 to John and Ethel Eskew, Mr. Eskew grew up worshipping in the Congregational Church in Carrollton under the leadership of Reverend Bobby Lee Woodruff; while Mr. Eskew knew Reverend Woodruff's daughter Myrtice since childhood, he later realized she was his life's love, and the pair were wed during his first furlough during his service in the United States Marines; and WHEREAS, Following his return to civilian life, Mr. Eskew began a career in retail, eventually moving with his family to San Antonio, where he was a Sunday school teacher and the leader of two home groups at Trinity Church; inspired to devote his life to the church, he began to study for the ministry; and WHEREAS, In 1984, he was asked to move to Del Rio to help a struggling church; a year later, he was ordained by Trinity Church and World Ministry Fellowship and formed the Grace Community Church in Del Rio; he served the body with distinction and celebrated his retirement in March 2004 with a host of friends and family, each of whom had been touched by his spiritual leadership; and WHEREAS, Still active in his church and the greater community, Pastor Eskew remains a source of inspiration to the congregation and his city; he also maintains a home office and writes a column for the local newspaper; and WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, Pastor Eskew has drawn on the support and strength of Myrtice, with whom he celebrated 60 years of marriage on August 1, 2004; they have two children, Lene and Jim, two granddaughters, Jan and Diana, and four great-grandchildren, Lyndel, Hayden, Cassidy, and Nicole; and WHEREAS, This caring man has twice been honored for his dedication to others, once by his congregation at Grace Community Church for his role in assisting local flood victims, and the other by the Texas House of Representatives; and WHEREAS, Pastor Eddie Eskew has blessed the lives of countless Texans not only through his deeds but also because of the fine example he sets, and it is indeed a pleasure to honor him; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Edward Goodman Eskew on his 79th birthday and commend him for his years of service to others; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Pastor Eskew as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Gallego ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 771 was adopted by the House on March 31, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House