79R8080 BJM-D

By:  Wong                                                         H.R. No. 786

WHEREAS, The year 2005 is indeed a special milestone for Dr. Bill S. Chen of Houston, as it marks the 15th anniversary of New Era Life Insurance Companies, which he serves as president and chief executive officer; and WHEREAS, Dr. Chen purchased a Texas life insurance company charter with Don J. Wang, the company's current board chair, in 1989, and one year later, New Era Life Insurance Company opened its doors to the public; and WHEREAS, Since its founding, the company has thrived, and, together with its two subsidiaries, conducts business today in 46 states, employing and providing vital coverage for many Texans and citizens nationwide; and WHEREAS, New Era Life Insurance Companies is truly unique, as it combines the strengths of both western and eastern cultures, cultivating a corporate ethos founded on vision, creativity, communication, flexibility, cost-efficiency, teamwork, and family values; and WHEREAS, Dr. Chen has demonstrated outstanding leadership throughout his career; this Society of Actuaries Fellow has 33 years of experience in senior management positions with large and small insurance companies, and he has been recognized in both Who's Who in America and Who's Who in Finance and Industry and awarded the prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year Award by Ernst & Young, Merrill Lynch, and Inc. Magazine; and WHEREAS, Dr. Bill Chen may reflect with pride on his accomplishments in the insurance industry, for his achievements have helped countless residents of the Lone Star State build financial freedom and security; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Dr. Bill S. Chen for his success in business on the 15th anniversary of New Era Life Insurance Companies and commend him for his myriad efforts in behalf of his fellow Texans; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Dr. Chen as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.