79R10573 JHS-D

By:  Laubenberg                                                   H.R. No. 867

WHEREAS, Members of the Texas Nursing Students' Association are visiting the State Capitol on this day to recognize the hard work and commitment of the Lone Star State's nursing faculty, and it is a pleasure to welcome these dedicated students and to join them in honoring their teachers; and WHEREAS, Each year, thousands of nursing students from across the nation depend on the knowledge and experience of faculty members to guide them in their development as they transition from the role of interested student to that of seasoned professional, and the approximately 1,700 individuals who compose this state's nursing faculty may indeed take great pride in this important work; and WHEREAS, These talented educators contribute to the success of their students by ensuring that they are adequately prepared for the challenges that lie ahead and by instilling in them a keen awareness of their ethical and professional responsibilities; and WHEREAS, People around the globe rely on the care and expertise of nurses during times of illness, treatment, convalescence, and wellness, and the members of the state's nursing faculty are helping to ensure that those who choose to make nursing their life's work will bring to their professional endeavors the skill, compassion, and dedication their profession demands; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby recognize March 23, 2005, as Texas Nursing Students' Association Day at the State Capitol and honor the members of the nursing faculty of Texas for their contributions to the nursing profession; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the Texas Nursing Students' Association as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.