H.R. No. 880

WHEREAS, Texas Nameplate Company, Inc., has received the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for the second time in a decade, and this extraordinary achievement merits reflection on the past and present of this remarkable company; and WHEREAS, Texas Nameplate is the smallest company to win the Baldrige, the nation's only presidential award for organizational excellence and quality; with just under 40 employees and a modest $3.2 million in revenue in 2004, this Dallas-based business produces metal nameplates, identification tags, and labels for high-pressure valves and other technical equipment, employing many of the same techniques used nearly 60 years ago, including fine-point etching, screen printing, and photoengraving; and WHEREAS, Dedicated to efficiency and strategic management, Roy Crownover founded Texas Nameplate in 1946, and he is still actively involved in its operation; his son, Dale Crownover, acts as president and chief executive officer and is traveling to Washington, D.C., in March 2005 to accept the 2004 award from President George W. Bush; Mr. Crownover attributes the company's achievements to its commitment to quality over quantity; and WHEREAS, Seven years ago, when Texas Nameplate received its first Baldrige award for excellence, the company was a larger enterprise, but Dale Crownover knew the key to an efficient business was not the size of its staff or the heft of its bank account, and he reduced its growth in 1998; as a result, the company is more profitable, sees fewer customer complaints and less employee turnover, and incurs lower costs for materials; with 80 percent repeat customers, the organization prides itself on its employee cross-training program and its in-house intranet system, which keeps track of production; and WHEREAS, Mr. Crownover's resolute commitment to producing an exceptional product led to his company's receipt of the Texas-based Baby Baldrige in 1996; the Texas Association of Business and Chambers of Commerce named the family-owned enterprise its 1997 Business of the Year; since then, Texas Nameplate has justly received two national Baldrige awards, one of only three businesses to earn the award twice; and WHEREAS, Texas Nameplate Company has met the challenges facing all businesses by reinventing its strategies to promote efficiency, customer satisfaction, and employee retention; this small Texas firm is a model of success and integrity, and it should be heartily applauded for its dedication to quality and excellence; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Roy and Dale Crownover and the staff of Texas Nameplate Company, Inc., on their receipt of the 2004 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and commend them on their outstanding business achievements; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the company as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Pitts ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 880 was adopted by the House on March 29, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House