H.R. No. 911

WHEREAS, The Honorable Charles W. Stenholm, who served 26 years in the United States House of Representatives, has rendered exceptional service to the State of Texas and to this nation; and WHEREAS, First elected to the house in 1978, Charlie Stenholm represented the 17th Congressional District, which embraced 32 counties stretching from North Central to West Texas; and WHEREAS, A farmer as well as a legislator, Congressman Stenholm served on the House Committee on Agriculture throughout his tenure on Capitol Hill, and for eight years he held the position of ranking member; deeply knowledgeable about this vital sector of the American economy, he focused his efforts on expanding agricultural world trade, streamlining agricultural bureaucracy, boosting agricultural research, and meeting the needs of both producers and consumers of agricultural products; moreover, he played an instrumental role in writing five farm bills and developed legislation that reorganized the U.S. Department of Agriculture and reformed the nation's crop insurance program; and WHEREAS, Congressman Stenholm consistently promoted fiscal responsibility and passed a balanced budget constitutional amendment in the House of the 104th Congress; in addition to his involvement in agricultural and budgetary policy, he served on the House Committee on Armed Services and led in such legislative arenas as health care, social security, welfare reform, juvenile justice, the protection of small businesses, and the restriction of unfunded mandates; and WHEREAS, Many times, when scheduling conflicts and the pressures of work prevented him from attending various functions, his wife, Cindy, ably filled his boots, speaking and meeting with constituents throughout the district; and WHEREAS, Congressman Stenholm, a third-generation Texan, personified the district he represented, a region whose values--respect for integrity, common sense, and hard work--form the bedrock of this state, and it is a pleasure to recognize him for his exemplary public service; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby pay tribute to the Honorable Charles W. Stenholm for his outstanding achievements during 13 terms in the United States House of Representatives and extend to him profound appreciation for his immeasurable contributions to this country and the Lone Star State; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Congressman Stenholm as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Farabee ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 911 was adopted by the House on March 31, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House