79R9491 KO-D

By:  Gallego                                                      H.R. No. 915

WHEREAS, The family and friends of U.S. Army Specialist Travis Allen Babbitt of Sabinal suffered an immeasurable loss with the death of this courageous soldier in Iraq on November 9, 2004, at the age of 24; and WHEREAS, Born on March 4, 1980, in Lebanon, Missouri, Mr. Babbitt graduated from Uvalde High School in 1998; he married Anita Ortiz on October 15, 1999, and became the devoted father of three children; and WHEREAS, Specialist Babbitt had initially served in the army for four years before reenlisting for six more years, intending to make the army his career; he was deployed to Iraq in March 2004 and, after a brief visit home in September, returned on October 11; and WHEREAS, Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, Specialist Babbitt was killed when his patrol was attacked by enemy forces in Baghdad; despite being mortally wounded, this brave young Texan managed to return fire before collapsing, saving the lives of his fellow soldiers in the process; and WHEREAS, A PBS Frontline episode titled "A Company of Soldiers" documented the activities of Specialist Babbitt's unit, Dog Company, and revealed the deep sadness that the members of his company felt at the news of his death; although his passing has brought great sorrow to his family, friends, and fellow soldiers, his heroism will always be remembered; and WHEREAS, Our state and nation are fortunate to have young men and women whose love for their country inspires them to military service, yet the tragic death of this exemplary young man is a sobering reminder of the cost of war; Americans owe a profound debt to our nation's servicemen and servicewomen, whose valiant efforts and enormous sacrifices are deserving of their fellow citizens' deepest respect and gratitude; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Specialist Travis Allen Babbitt, United States Army, and extend profound sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife, Anita; to his children, Unique, Serenity, and Diego; to his mother, Kathy Hernandez, and her husband, Barney; to his sister, Crystal Lambert; to his two nieces; and to his other relatives and friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of U.S. Army Specialist Travis Allen Babbitt.