H.R. No. 918

WHEREAS, Senior Patrol Agent Ryan Massey of Del Rio was awarded the highest medal of valor bestowed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on January 7, 2005; and WHEREAS, Agent Massey received the Meritorious Service Award for Valor for his heroic actions on the evening of March 14, 2004, when his Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue unit received a call from the Uvalde County Sheriff's Office; six travelers in a car had been swept into the flooding waters of Blanco Creek, and four members of the party were missing; and WHEREAS, After receiving word from troopers who had spotted a woman and three children clinging to a tree in the middle of the rising waters, Agent Massey quickly tied a line from shore to hooks clipped to his vest and entered the rough waters upstream of the victims; he allowed the current to carry him to the victims' location, where he proceeded to ferry the woman and children, one by one, to safety on solid ground; and WHEREAS, Those individuals who place themselves in harm's way to protect their fellow Texans are truly deserving of our deepest admiration and gratitude, and Agent Ryan Massey indeed merits special recognition for his continued readiness to meet the most challenging crisis head on; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Senior Patrol Agent Ryan Massey on his receipt of the Meritorious Service Award for Valor from U.S. Customs and Border Protection and commend him for his remarkable heroism; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Agent Massey as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Gallego Craddick Geren Menendez Allen of Harris Giddings Merritt Allen of Dallas Gonzales Miller Alonzo Gonzalez Toureilles Moreno of Harris Anchia Goodman Moreno of El Paso Anderson Goolsby Morrison Bailey Griggs Mowery Baxter Grusendorf Naishtat Berman Guillen Nixon Blake Haggerty Noriega Bohac Hamilton Oliveira Bonnen Hamric Olivo Branch Hardcastle Orr Brown of Kaufman Harper-Brown Otto Brown of Brazos Hartnett Paxton Burnam Hegar Pena Callegari Herrero Phillips Campbell Hilderbran Pickett Casteel Hill Pitts Castro Hochberg Puente Chavez Hodge Quintanilla Chisum Homer Raymond Coleman Hope Reyna Cook of Navarro Hopson Riddle Cook of Colorado Howard Ritter Corte Hughes Rodriguez Crabb Hunter Rose Crownover Hupp Seaman Davis of Harris Isett Smith of Tarrant Davis of Dallas Jackson Smith of Harris Dawson Jones of Lubbock Smithee Delisi Jones of Dallas Solis Denny Keel Solomons Deshotel Keffer of Dallas Strama Driver Keffer of Eastland Straus Dukes King of Parker Swinford Dunnam King of Zavala Talton Dutton Kolkhorst Taylor Edwards Krusee Thompson Eiland Kuempel Truitt Eissler Laney Turner Elkins Laubenberg Uresti Escobar Leibowitz Van Arsdale Farabee Luna Veasey Farrar Madden Villarreal Flores Martinez Vo Flynn Martinez Fischer West Frost McCall Wong Gallego McClendon Woolley Gattis McReynolds Zedler ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 918 was adopted by the House on April 14, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House