79R10265 KO-D

By:  Gallego                                                      H.R. No. 930

WHEREAS, After 36 years of exemplary public service, Emilio Salmon of Marathon stepped down from his position as a Brewster County commissioner in January 2005, and it is indeed fitting to honor this remarkable man for his many outstanding achievements; and WHEREAS, Initially elected in 1968, Mr. Salmon has witnessed innumerable changes over the course of his political career; as a young Hispanic boy growing up in West Texas, he often encountered discrimination, such as when he and other Mexican Americans were prohibited from entering public restaurants in his community; although it was largely unheard of in that day for a Hispanic to serve in public office, he was determined to find a way to effect change in the community, and, after narrowly losing a contested election in 1964, he won by 85 votes four years later; and WHEREAS, Once elected, he approached all projects with an eye toward justice and toward correcting racial inequities for the good of the entire community; by ensuring that funding was allocated equally to Hispanic and Anglo sections of town, he gradually won the confidence and respect of his fellow commissioners and all of his constituents; and WHEREAS, Mr. Salmon played a key role in the completion of numerous infrastructure projects, including paving, sewer system improvements, water development, housing rehabilitation, and recreational facility improvements; he was instrumental on the commissioners courts that authorized the building of a new Brewster County Jail, the Courthouse Annex, the Marathon Emergency Response Center, and the South Brewster County Community Center and the renovation of the Old Post Office; working consistently to keep taxes and the costs of basic services as low as possible, he remained mindful of the difficulties faced by elderly citizens with fixed incomes; he also actively championed programs for children and young people during his years of service; and WHEREAS, Throughout his career, Mr. Salmon has benefited from the love and support of his wife of 52 years, Lupe Salmon, as well as his four children, Joe, Maria, Priscilla, and Gracie; and WHEREAS, An unlikely prospect for a successful political life, this ranch hand's son who quit school in the sixth grade and taught himself English has had a profound impact on the lives of his fellow citizens, helping to transform his community into a more equitable place for all of its residents; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commend Emilio Salmon for nearly four decades of service as a county commissioner for Brewster County and acknowledge the rich legacy of honesty, integrity, and fairness that he brought to that office; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Salmon as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.