79R10880 KO-D

By:  Dukes                                                        H.R. No. 1006

WHEREAS, A leader in education, civil rights, and civic service, Bertha Elizabeth Sadler Means has contributed greatly to the Austin community since her arrival in the Capital City in 1939; and WHEREAS, A former president of the local chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, Mrs. Means helped to found this vital organization in June 1953; in keeping with the mission of its parent organization, the Austin chapter dedicates its resources to providing constructive educational, cultural, civic, recreational, social, and service programs for children as well as to raising community awareness for children's needs and concerns; and WHEREAS, Her outstanding work with Jack and Jill represents only one of this esteemed Texan's innumerable civic involvements and professional accomplishments; after graduating with a degree in English and education from Huston-Tillotson College, Mrs. Means taught at Austin area schools for a number of years; in 1955, she earned a master's degree in educational psychology at The University of Texas at Austin and later held several positions with the Austin Independent School District in the areas of elementary and secondary education; she also distinguished herself as a director of Head Start and the first coordinator for reading instruction in the city's junior and senior high schools; today, Mrs. Means is a successful businesswoman, serving as chief executive officer of the family-owned Austin Cab Company; and WHEREAS, Despite the demands of her professional career, Mrs. Means has always found time to give back to the community; she has been associated with the International Hospitality Council of Austin since its founding in 1959; a former vice president of the American Association of University Women, she was also a founding member of St. James' Episcopal Church in 1941 and has been an active congregant ever since; moreover, she has served as area chair of the United Fund of Austin and Travis County; and WHEREAS, In the 1950s and 1960s, Mrs. Means was deeply involved in civil rights issues and made it her mission to break down the racial barriers that existed in Austin at the time; in addition to her service as vice president of the Austin Branch of the NAACP and chair of its Voter Registration Projects, she helped create the Mothers Action Council in response to her children and others being turned away at a local skating rink because of their color; as chair of the council's Direct Action Committee, Mrs. Means organized peaceful demonstrations at businesses that had a history of segregation, and those sit-ins and stand-ins resulted in the integration of area public facilities and eventually led to the creation of the Human Relations Department of the City of Austin; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Means also had a direct role in the integration of athletics at The University of Texas at Austin; when her son, James H. Means, Jr., was denied participation in athletics at UT because of segregation, she called attention to the matter with a member of the board of regents; a subsequent investigation led to the integration of the school's athletics program, and her son, James, became the first African American to letter at UT and the first to participate in the Southwest Conference; moreover, she played a leading role in the integration of St. Stephen's Episcopal School and her daughter, Patricia, was the first African American to graduate from that prestigious Austin school in 1966; and WHEREAS, From 1963 to 1974, she was an Austin City Council appointee to the Parks and Recreation Board; in that capacity, she worked toward the improvement of parks in East Austin and her initiative led to the construction of Givens Recreation Center; and WHEREAS, Over the years, Mrs. Means has been the deserving recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the Joe W. Neal Award presented by the International Hospitality Council of Austin in 2004 for outstanding leadership in international relations and the YWCA Woman of the Year award in 2004 for community service; she has also received a Doctor of Humane Letters honorary degree from Huston-Tillotson College and was inducted into her alma mater's first Annual Hall of Honors; and WHEREAS, Throughout her life, Bertha Means has given freely of her time and talents to benefit others, and her actions have truly had a profound impact on the lives of countless Texans; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commend Bertha Elizabeth Sadler Means for her outstanding work with the Austin chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, and honor her for her lifelong contributions to the city of Austin and the State of Texas; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mrs. Means as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.