79R11288 JNC-D

By:  Gallego                                                      H.R. No. 1152

WHEREAS, Residents of Del Rio were deeply saddened by the loss of a beloved educator and friend on August 10, 2003, with the passing of Ronnie McFadin, at the age of 61; and WHEREAS, A native of West Texas, Mr. McFadin was raised in Iraan and graduated from Sul Ross State University in 1965; he began his teaching career at Centennial School and coached Alpine seventh and eighth grade teams, and he later joined the faculty at Alpine High School; and WHEREAS, Mr. McFadin went on to hold a distinguished tenure in Del Rio, serving as a vocational agriculture teacher and coach until his retirement in 2002; and WHEREAS, This devoted husband's and father's love of teaching was surpassed only by his love of family; a man of integrity and a true asset to the educational community, Ronnie McFadin is greatly missed, but his memory lives on in the hearts of the many people whose lives he touched; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby pay special tribute to the life of Ronnie McFadin and extend deepest sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife, Karen; to his children; to his brothers; and to his other relatives and many friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Ronnie McFadin.