79R13390 MAM-D

By:  Hughes                                                       H.R. No. 1247

WHEREAS, Gene Keenon of Laird Hill has received the Regional Committee Service Award from the East Texas Council of Governments for his sustained, dedicated commitment to the organization's efforts and activities; and WHEREAS, A municipal marketing representative for Olympic Waste Service who works to promote recycling and the elimination of illegal dumping, Mr. Keenon is also a recipient of the Keep Texas Beautiful Individual Leadership Award, a lifetime achievement award honoring those Texans who enhance their community's environment; and WHEREAS, Known for his volunteer work and leadership in Kilgore and around East Texas, this esteemed gentleman is the project chair for the Kilgore Improvement and Beautification Association and has led many projects, including the Commerce Street cemetery renovation, the Kilgore Heights Elementary School project, and the Kilgore Amphitheater project; and WHEREAS, Mr. Keenon is an active board member of numerous civic organizations and is one of 11 regional ambassadors of the Keep Texas Beautiful campaign; he delivers educational and informative lectures to schoolchildren, service clubs, and city councils throughout East Texas, and he is quick to lend a hand to any individual or organization in need; and WHEREAS, Supported by his wife, Melynda, and his children, Dakota, Hayley, and Cassidy, Gene Keenon is a consummate professional who is much admired for his tireless work for the environment and activities in behalf of people throughout East Texas, and it is appropriate to take this opportunity to commend him for his commitment to keeping Texas beautiful; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Gene Keenon on his receipt of the Regional Committee Service Award from the East Texas Council of Governments and extend to him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Keenon as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.