79R13084 JNC-D

By:  Castro                                                       H.R. No. 1260

WHEREAS, Many young men and women from the Lone Star State volunteered their service during the course of World War II, and it was the willingness of these fine citizens to make any sacrifice necessary for the cause of liberty that enabled our country to survive with the many freedoms we cherish today still intact; and WHEREAS, This year marks the 60th anniversary of the conclusion of this momentous conflict, and the victory that was so dearly bought by the members of our armed services and other Allied forces remains to many the single most significant event of the 20th century; and WHEREAS, On April 3, 2005, a ceremony was held by the City of San Antonio and the U.S. Department of Defense to honor those whose courageous efforts helped to secure final victory for their nation; and WHEREAS, History has shown repeatedly that our democracy is only as strong as those valiant individuals on whom we rely to protect it; the sacrifices of the men and women who served in World War II remain undiminished by the passage of time, and it is fitting that they be honored as we commemorate the 60th anniversary of the conclusion of World War II; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby pay homage to the brave U.S. soldiers who defended this nation during World War II.