79R14438 MAM-D

By:  Davis of Dallas                                              H.R. No. 1368

WHEREAS, The members of All Aro (USA) are gathering in Dallas for their ninth annual convention from May 27 through May 30, 2005, and this occasion provides a fitting opportunity to take note of the goals and accomplishments of this noteworthy organization; and WHEREAS, Aros are originally from the ancestral city of Arochukwu, an Igbo settlement located in the southeastern region of present-day Nigeria; before the arrival of European settlers, the Aros developed a highly organized and progressive city structure, supported by a hierarchy of priests and chiefs who served one god, Ibini Ukpabi; and WHEREAS, Highly respected across eastern Nigeria, Aro men were considered sacred beings, and they were protected from warriors and looters and allowed to travel freely to establish trade centers around the region; and WHEREAS, Today, with a total population of nearly 100,000 inhabitants, Arochukwu includes 19 villages within three kindreds, which maintain their own distinct cultural heritage; Aro Ajalli, Aro Ndizuogu, and more than 170 communities in Nigeria and other countries around the world identify as Aros and seek to preserve the honor and prestige of their ancestry; and WHEREAS, Under the able leadership of Mazi Jideofor Oji as executive president, Mazi Damian Orji as vice president, Mazi Micky O. Ukoha as general secretary, Mazi Oke Okereke as financial secretary, and Mazi Valentine Emesih as treasurer, the Aros have completed a medical clinic in Arochukwu and staged a five-day free medical mission for the neediest and most vulnerable members; and WHEREAS, Many Aros have settled in the United States, and they have formed All Aro (USA); with chapters in 10 major cities across the country, the members seek to sustain their traditions according to the vision of one of their elders, Mazi S. O. Onwukwe, who emphasized effective organization, internal peace, personal and unselfish sacrifices, effective management of resources, a well laid out program of development, peaceful coexistence, continuous research and development, and preservation of Aro culture; and WHEREAS, By articulating clear cultural, historical, and economic strategies, All Aro (USA) ably serves the needs of its members, who seek to preserve a rich history and prepare for a bright future; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor the members of All Aro (USA) on the occasion of their 2005 National Convention in Dallas and extend to them sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the members of All Aro (USA) as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.