79R15131 KO-D

By:  Strama                                                       H.R. No. 1412

WHEREAS, Citizens of the Lone Star State benefit each day from the efforts of government workers who have devoted their careers to protecting public safety and health, maintaining utilities and infrastructure, preserving the rule of law under a fair judicial system, safeguarding natural resources for future generations, and creating economic opportunities for Texans of all ages and backgrounds; and WHEREAS, Public employees include teachers to educate our children, nurses to administer vaccines, computer technicians to pay our benefits, safety inspectors to guarantee the safety of our workplaces, food inspectors to guarantee the safety of our grocery purchases, laborers to maintain our roads and bridges, and transportation employees to see us safely to our destinations; and WHEREAS, Many public employees, such as police officers, firefighters, border patrol officers, embassy employees, military personnel, and health care professionals, frequently place their own lives in jeopardy in order to protect ours; and WHEREAS, Since 1985, Public Service Recognition Week has been celebrated across the nation during the first week in May, offering an opportunity to inform Americans about the broad variety of services provided by government and to promote awareness of the innumerable ways, both direct and indirect, in which government services touch and improve the quality of our lives every day; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor local, state, and federal public employees in Texas on the occasion of Public Service Recognition Week, May 2-8, 2005.