79R15157 PCM-D

By:  Swinford                                                     H.R. No. 1418

WHEREAS, May 1, 2005, marks a special milestone in the life of David Regan McCoy of Dallas, for on that day he is celebrating his 50th birthday to the delight of his family and friends; and WHEREAS, The son of Milas and Mary Ann McCoy, David McCoy narrowly missed being a native of New Mexico, where his family was living at the time he was due, but fate intervened when his mother gave birth to him on May 1, 1955, in Lubbock, and anyone who knows this outstanding Texan would have to agree with the statement that he is indeed the Real McCoy; and WHEREAS, Returning to Texas as fast as he could, he was a resident of Lubbock again by the time he turned four and later moved with his family as a young teen to Devine, where he would graduate from high school in 1974; although an avid Texas Tech Red Raider fan, Mr. McCoy attended Abilene Christian University after high school, and his next move was to Austin, where he underwent a transformation inexplicable to his worried older sister, Joyce McCoy Swinford, and her husband, David; to this day they continue to marvel at where they went wrong in attempting to guide this easily influenced man, who despite their best efforts is today none other than a diehard, burnt-orange, Hook-'em-Horn-slingin' Longhorn fan; and WHEREAS, After pledging eternal sports allegiance to UT, Mr. McCoy moved to Dallas, where he has lived happily ever after; he earned a degree from the Dallas Institute of Funeral Services and began a career with the Restland Funeral Home, and he has served the company well for the past 25 years; and WHEREAS, Providing reassurances of some semblance of remaining youth to their loved one, David, as he hits the half-century mark are the members of his devoted family, which include, in addition to Representative and Mrs. Swinford, his beloved mother, Mary Ann McCoy, his nephew, Chris Swinford, and his wife, Brenda, his niece, Melissa Bates, and her husband, Robert, and his great nephews, David Alan Swinford and Daniel Ellis Swinford and Phillip Regan Bates and William David Bates, each of whom can attest to the fact that this good guy fully lives up to the title of great-uncle; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate David Regan McCoy on the memorable occasion of his 50th birthday and extend to him sincere best wishes for many more years of success and happiness; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. McCoy as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.