79R14788 KO-D

By:  Davis of Harris                                              H.R. No. 1466

WHEREAS, The Faithful Fathering Initiative in Texas works to encourage, equip, and support men in becoming caring and involved fathers and to challenge fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, and all father figures to grow in their roles as responsible parents; the organization also directs its efforts toward sensitizing families across Texas to the impact a father has on his children; and WHEREAS, To that end, this admirable organization is partnering with Flooring America to sponsor a contest for Houston students in first through 12th grades to compose an essay entitled, "What My Father Means to Me"; the 2005 Flooring America Dads Becoming Heroes Essay Contest is designed to improve writing skills, stimulate a child's thinking about his or her father and the role he plays in the child's life, and to raise awareness in our communities of the importance of fathers; and WHEREAS, The winners of this noteworthy contest were judged within each school grade level and evaluated according to how well they described the nature of their relationships with their fathers, their use of specific details and stories that demonstrated their fathers' character, the honesty, clarity, and simplicity with which they expressed their thoughts, and their overall writing skill; and WHEREAS, Children thrive when they have a supportive and fully engaged father, and as these remarkable essays show, the importance of loving, committed relationships between fathers and their sons and daughters cannot be overestimated; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the winners of the 2005 Flooring America Dads Becoming Heroes Essay Contest and commend the Faithful Fathering Initiative in Texas for its efforts in encouraging fathers in the Lone Star State to become their children's nurturers, advocates, and heroes; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for each winning contestant as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.