79R16435 PCM-D

By:  Naishtat                                                     H.R. No. 1534

WHEREAS, Jesse Chambers of Austin was a friend to many in the legislative community during his service with the state, and the seventh anniversary of his passing marks an opportune time to reflect on the life of this esteemed Texan; and WHEREAS, A devoted family man, Mr. Chambers was happily married to Annie Mae Chambers, and together they shared a rewarding marriage that spanned more than 64 years; the proud father of six children, he worked hard throughout his life to provide for his family, approaching each new post he took on with his characteristic diligence and dedication; and WHEREAS, Mr. Chambers was a volunteer at Camp Mabry during World War II and early in his career worked for Big Bear Foods, Frostex, and Butternut Bakery before accepting a position with the county; employed at the Travis County Courthouse for seven years, he retired from that post in 1977 but rejoined the workforce in December 1982, when he was hired to help prevent unauthorized parking on the Capitol grounds; and WHEREAS, The first African American to serve as a car guard, Mr. Chambers was stationed on the south lawn of the Capitol near the fireman statue during his tenure, where he not only ensured that state officials would find their assigned spots open and available, but also served as a goodwill ambassador for the state, greeting passersby, giving directions, and brightening the days of members and their staff; and WHEREAS, Though Mr. Chambers died on May 12, 1998, his contributions live on in the legacy of service and devotion he leaves behind; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Jesse Chambers on the anniversary of his death; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Jesse Chambers.