79R15366 MMS-D

By:  Hunter                                                       H.R. No. 1611

WHEREAS, Texans today are heirs to an extraordinary cultural and historical heritage, derived from the contributions, traditions, and experiences of many different groups; to promote an appreciation of the part that minority groups have played in forging Texas culture, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas Historical Commission are working together to develop the Texas Buffalo Soldiers Heritage Trail; and WHEREAS, This multifaceted program commemorates African American soldiers, known by the Plains Indians as buffalo soldiers, who compiled an outstanding record in Texas during the decades following the Civil War; composing both cavalry and infantry regiments, they served at forts and outposts along civilian and military routes and Indian trails on the Texas frontier, where their wide-ranging duties included both civil and military assignments; and WHEREAS, In addition to telling the story of the buffalo soldiers, the trail also illuminates the world in which they lived and worked by chronicling the experiences of vaqueros, African American cowboys, Native Americans, frontier women, and other groups who peopled the state in the 1800s; and WHEREAS, The heritage trail is based on, and supports and encourages the use of, Texas state parks, the Texas Historical Commission Local History & Heritage Tourism Program, county historical commission preservation activities, and local, state, and national historical sites; structurally, the trail is divided into 12 corridors, each approximately 50 to 100 miles in width, that include natural and historical sites connected to the history of the buffalo soldiers; two supplemental segments identify sites that relate to these troops but lie outside the corridors; and WHEREAS, The development of this heritage trail promises myriad benefits to the State of Texas and its citizens; interpretive material and educational programs related to the trail promote appreciation of the many ways in which various groups interacted, influenced each other, and contributed to shaping the culture that Texans share today; at the same time, it is hoped that the trail encourages a greater interest in, and support for, historic preservation, particularly in relation to sites and properties associated with minority groups and individuals; and WHEREAS, In addition, programs offered by Texas Parks and Wildlife at points along the trail are expected to increase environmental awareness and introduce children and adults to a variety of outdoor recreation activities and skills; and WHEREAS, Extending from Brownsville to the Red River and from the Panhandle Plains to El Paso, this trail encompasses a wealth of sites that make it especially attractive to heritage tourists; such visitors seek out places and experiences that "authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present" and typically spend more time and money at their destinations than any other travelers; by encouraging heritage tourism, the trail promotes the economic vitality of communities and regions across the state; and WHEREAS, The buffalo soldiers trail opens numerous windows onto a dramatic and varied vista, revealing a heritage in the making and a diverse assemblage of people who would shape a rich legacy for all the citizens of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commend the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas Historical Commission on their collaboration in developing the Texas Buffalo Soldiers Heritage Trail and extend to all associated with this endeavor sincere best wishes as they continue to bring this outstanding project to fruition.