79R16577 BJM-D

By:  Davis of Dallas                                              H.R. No. 1716

WHEREAS, Melisha S. Craft of Houston has provided outstanding assistance as an intern in the office of State Representative Yvonne Davis throughout the 79th Legislative Session; and WHEREAS, The 2001 salutatorian of Sam Houston High School in San Antonio, Ms. Craft is a member of the National Honor Society and was active in student government, University Outreach, Upward Bound, the Texas Youth Leadership Council, Peacemakers, PALS, and the San Antonio Express-News Teen Advisory Board; and WHEREAS, This dynamic young woman is currently a student at Texas Southern University, where she is majoring in political science and psychology; a fixture on the honor roll, she has also given of her time and talents as a member of Psy Chi and the Frederick Douglass Honors Institute; and WHEREAS, With plans to continue her education to attain her juris doctorate and M.B.A. and ultimately practice corporate law, Ms. Craft may undoubtedly look forward to a future bright with promise; and WHEREAS, The constituents of District 111 have benefited tremendously from Melisha Craft's hard work and dedication to excellence, and as the 79th Legislative Session nears its conclusion, it is truly a pleasure to congratulate her for a job well done; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commend Melisha S. Craft for her service as an intern and extend to her sincere best wishes for success in all her future endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Craft as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.