79R17272 BJM-D

By:  Smith of Tarrant                                             H.R. No. 1790

WHEREAS, For the past six years, Alicia McGlinchey has given generously of her time and talents to benefit the community of Bedford as a member of its city council; and WHEREAS, Mrs. McGlinchey was elected to the city council in 1999 and served as its liaison to the Teen Court and Library Boards, as well as mayor pro tem; in addition, this graduate of the Bedford Citizens' Fire Academy has shared her expertise with St. Michael's Catholic Church, the Northeast Leadership Forum, the City of Bedford Cable TV Advisory Board, and the HEB Economic Development Foundation as a member and former chair; and WHEREAS, Currently a stay-at-home mom, this devoted wife and mother of three is an honors graduate of The University of Texas School of Law and Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., where she worked in telecommunications law before moving to Bedford in 1990; and WHEREAS, Alicia McGlinchey's commitment to the citizens of Bedford is impressive, and she may look with pride at her significant contributions to the betterment of her community as a member of the Bedford City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commend Alicia McGlinchey for her service as a member of the Bedford City Council and extend to her sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mrs. McGlinchey as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.