79R17477 MMS-D

By:  Cook of Navarro                                              H.R. No. 1794

WHEREAS, For more than three decades, Gioia Keeney of Corsicana has defined the highest qualities of community service and civic leadership, and her birthday provides a fitting opportunity to recognize her for her achievements; and WHEREAS, Born in Michigan, Mrs. Keeney moved to Corsicana in 1972 when her husband, Arthur J. Keeney, became publisher of the Corsicana Daily Sun; since that time, in such capacities as board member, chairwoman, and president, she has put her exceptional talents and energies at the service of innumerable worthy causes; and WHEREAS, In the field of education, her leadership has benefited the Navarro College Foundation, Corsicana Education Foundation, J. L. Collins Catholic School Board, and Diocese of Dallas Catholic School Board; moreover, in 1980 she chaired the campaign to pass a bond issue for the Corsicana Independent School District; and WHEREAS, The immediate past president of the Palace Theater Board, she currently chairs a fund-raising campaign to renovate that local landmark; she also chaired the first fund-raising campaign in Corsicana in support of the Dallas Symphony Regional Concert Series, and she has helped to guide the Navarro Council of the Arts, Corsicana Fine Arts Association, Warehouse Living Arts Center, Texas Arts Council, and Texas Arts Alliance; and WHEREAS, This esteemed woman has similarly held leadership positions with a number of social service and health-related organizations, among them the United Way, Corsicana State Home, Navarro Regional Hospital Auxiliary, V.O.I.C.E., and local groups to support retarded citizens and address drug and alcohol abuse; in addition, Mrs. Keeney chaired Food for Fitness, a project that delivers meals to the elderly, for 20 years, and directed the Red Cross blood drive for a decade; and WHEREAS, Other worthy organizations and endeavors that she has advanced include the Navarro Community Foundation, the Corsicana Area Chamber of Commerce, programs for youth, and various city commissions and boards; she has chaired a successful effort to preserve the town's historic synagogue, as well as co-chaired a successful municipal bond campaign; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Keeney's exceptional contributions to Corsicana and to education have earned her repeated recognition; and WHEREAS, Through her tireless commitment to creating a stronger, more vibrant community, Gioia Keeney has enriched immeasurably the world around her and touched the lives of countless fellow citizens; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor Gioia Keeney on the occasion of her 80th birthday, July 27, 2005, and extend to her profound appreciation for her sterling civic engagement; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mrs. Keeney as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.