79R17907 MAM-D

By:  McCall                                                       H.R. No. 1837

WHEREAS, After 41 years of service, Nancy Boyd is retiring from the Plano Independent School District in 2005, providing a fitting opportunity to recognize her hard work and dedication to countless students through more than four decades; and WHEREAS, This esteemed educator and community leader began her career as a teacher of homebound students and pregnant teens; while pursuing her master's degree in elementary education, she discovered her passion for counseling, and in 1981, she joined Plano East Senior High School as its first counselor and later served as campus director of guidance; since 1997, she has distinguished herself as the district director of counseling and guidance; and WHEREAS, An advocate in the community, Ms. Boyd has been instrumental in the development of C.I.T.Y. House, a runaway youth shelter providing counseling and a transitional living program; she has also contributed her expertise to the College Board's first edition College Counseling Sourcebook: Advice and Strategies from Experienced School Counselors; and WHEREAS, Ms. Boyd was recently recognized by the Collin County Community College District for her ongoing efforts in behalf of area youth with a student leadership academy scholarship named in her honor; moreover, during the district's centennial celebration she was named as one of Plano ISD's 100 Heroes; and WHEREAS, Nancy Boyd's many years of dedication to the needs of the young people of Plano are truly outstanding, and her strength, warmth, and humanity will surely continue to inspire others as she begins this next chapter of her life; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor Nancy Boyd for her exceptional tenure with Plano ISD and extend to her sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Boyd as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.