H.R. No. 1842

WHEREAS, The certain knowledge of a life well lived may temper the profound sadness that the passing of Curtis J. Cook of Harris County on February 16, 2004, brought to all who knew and loved him; and WHEREAS, A graduate of Oregon State University, where he earned his civil engineering degree, Mr. Cook served as a volunteer firefighter in Oregon and then joined Shell Oil Company in Los Angeles, California; when the company transferred him to Houston in 1974, he immediately became involved with the Spring Volunteer Fire Department (VFD); and WHEREAS, He was a founding member of the Ponderosa VFD in 1976 and served as president of the Harris County Emergency Services District #28 and as president of the Ponderosa system; in addition, he was a founder and served as president of the Harris County Association of Fire and EMS Districts; and WHEREAS, An exceptional leader, Mr. Cook was instrumental in the enactment of emergency services district statutes and in updating statutes affecting annexations; moreover, he participated in the efforts in support of legislation that allowed for the formation of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority; and WHEREAS, A man with a fun sense of humor, he was also a great lover of nature who enjoyed spending time fishing and hunting, and he traveled extensively across the United States and in Mexico and Canada; and WHEREAS, Curt Cook always stood up for what he believed in, and he made incalculable contributions to his community and in the lives of his friends and family; all who knew him will forever be thankful for his friendship; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Curtis J. Cook and extend deepest sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife, Anita; to his daughters, Lauri and Kim; to his sons, Randy and Jeff; to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and to his other relatives and many friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Curtis J. Cook. Riddle Hamric ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 1842 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote of the House on May 24, 2005. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House