79R17300 JHS-D

By:  Escobar                                                      H.R. No. 1845

WHEREAS, Cruz Mata, a lifelong resident of Kingsville and Kleberg County, proudly served his country during World War II, and his bravery and courage on the front lines have earned him the lasting respect of several generations of Americans; and WHEREAS, Mr. Mata was captured while fighting the German army in France; during his time as a soldier, he kept a personal diary of his experiences during the war, including his capture by the Germans and his incarceration in a prison camp; and WHEREAS, Despite the harsh interrogation techniques of the Germans, Mr. Mata never wavered in doing his patriotic duty, offering only his name, rank, and serial number to his captors; not entirely fluent in English at the time of his capture, Mr. Mata may have been mistaken for one of the army's Navajo code talkers, whose language was developed into one of the most successful and significant military codes of all time; and WHEREAS, Mr. Mata never gave up hope during his imprisonment, remaining confident that America would prevail against the Axis Powers, and his belief, of course, was ultimately realized; after the war, he returned to Kingsville, where he worked for many years before enjoying a well-deserved retirement; and WHEREAS, A proud family man, an exemplary citizen, and an honorable veteran, Mr. Mata is blessed with many wonderful friends in Kingsville and Kleberg Counties, and this recognition is indeed well deserved; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor U.S. Army veteran Cruz Mata for his service to America and his contributions to ensuring the freedom that we all enjoy because of proud soldiers like him who have served our country with distinction; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Mata as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.