H.R. No. 1881

WHEREAS, Amanda Blakely of Crandall has scored yet another triumph in her stellar academic career by winning the 37th annual Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Journalism Award in the high school print division; and WHEREAS, Sponsored by the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial and the National Scholastic Press Association, the awards are intended to encourage reporting on the disadvantaged in this country, including a critical analysis of attitudes, private endeavors, or public policies that affect their lives; and WHEREAS, Ms. Blakely's entry for the 2005 competition concerned the experiences of children placed in foster care by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services; titled "Ms. Mary and the Big Blue House," the compelling article drew on in-depth interviews with three teenagers who were living in a home that provided them with tremendous love and support; and WHEREAS, The prestigious RFK memorial award is one of a host of accolades garnered by Ms. Blakely during her senior year; at the state journalism conference in April 2005, she was named Journalist of the Year and top feature writer in the state, and she has also been selected as first runner-up for the national Journalist of the Year title; and WHEREAS, In addition to winning four national awards in the Quill and Scroll International Writing Contest, Ms. Blakely took second place for feature writing in the Columbia Scholastic Press Association contest, first place for feature writing in a Dallas Morning News competition, and first and second place for news writing in a contest sponsored by the Texas Press Association and Interscholastic League Press Conference; and WHEREAS, After sweeping all four events at the UIL District 12AAA journalism contest--news writing, feature writing, editorial writing, and headlines--this talented student enjoyed further success at the regional competition and has advanced to the state contest in feature writing and headline writing; and WHEREAS, Editor-in-chief of the Crandall High School Pirate Press, where she has worked with adviser Carol Countryman, and secretary of the National Honor Society, Ms. Blakely has won a Hunt Leadership Scholarship and plans to study communications/journalism at Southern Methodist University; and WHEREAS, Amanda Blakely is a gifted and socially engaged writer who has brought great credit to her school and compiled a record of accomplishments that promises a bright and fulfilling future; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby warmly congratulate Amanda Blakely on her receipt of the 37th annual Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Journalism Award in the high school print division and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued success in all her endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Blakely as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Brown of Kaufman ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 1881 was adopted by the House on May 27, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House