79R17797 MAM-D

By:  Quintanilla                                                  H.R. No. 1956

WHEREAS, Residents of the city of Socorro are justifiably proud of their community's contributions to the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, Located on the Southern Pacific Railroad in El Paso County, Socorro traces its rich history back to 1680, when Spanish and Piro Indian refugees fled the New Mexican Pueblo Indian Revolt and settled in the El Paso region; two years later, Spanish explorers established Nuestra Senora de la Limpia Concepcion del Socorro Mission, and the town developed around the site; and WHEREAS, In 1848, the city became a part of the State of Texas and prospered as a small farming community for the remainder of the 19th century; the construction of the Elephant Butte Dam on the Rio Grande in 1916 transformed the family-based economy into large-scale cotton production on plantation-sized estates; and WHEREAS, Today, citizens of Socorro continue to devote themselves to safeguarding their city's vibrant colonial heritage, and they have instituted a landmark commission to encourage historic preservation in the area; and WHEREAS, With its thriving sense of community and history, the city of Socorro remains a treasured asset of the Lone Star State, and it is a pleasure to pay tribute to this special town and its citizens; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor the city of Socorro as a community that cherishes its legacy while looking to the future.