79R17363 JTR-D

By:  Quintanilla                                                  H.R. No. 1968

WHEREAS, Those young people who pursue their educational goals in the face of daunting obstacles are truly deserving of the admiration of every Texan, and Araceli Bustamante of El Paso has distinguished herself as one such individual; and WHEREAS, A participant in the Migrant Student Graduation Enhancement Program of The University of Texas at Austin, Ms. Bustamante has excelled in both scholastic and extracurricular high school activities despite the challenges associated with the migrant experience; and WHEREAS, Ms. Bustamante is a model student at Americas High School, where she maintains a B average; for the past two summers, this industrious young woman has worked with her family in New Mexico while completing several UT Migrant Student Program courses, including two semesters each of algebra and English, and she is the deserving recipient of a Peer Assistance and Leadership Award; and WHEREAS, Skillfully juggling many worthwhile activities, Ms. Bustamante volunteers as a teacher's aide at a local elementary school while holding a part-time job and contributing her time and talents to her church; and WHEREAS, The inspiring success of Araceli Bustamante is a tribute to her dedication and strength of character, assets that will serve her well as she prepares for a career in a science-related field; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor Araceli Bustamante for her exemplary accomplishments in the Migrant Student Graduation Enhancement Program and extend to her sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Bustamante as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.