79R18021 JTR-D

By:  Quintanilla                                                  H.R. No. 2018

WHEREAS, Those Texans who give generously of their time and talents to benefit the community in which they live are truly deserving of their fellow citizens' gratitude and admiration; and WHEREAS, Among the most appreciated of these civic volunteers are members of neighborhood associations, who seek to preserve that which they treasure in their residential areas while improving that which is lacking, and through its actions, the Eastside Civic Association of El Paso has proven just how much these notable organizations may accomplish; and WHEREAS, Dedicated to protecting the unique charm of the Eastside neighborhood, this public-spirited group has sought to improve the area's quality of life through such diverse means as organizing forums for political candidates, sponsoring an Independence Day parade, and purchasing furniture for the Shelter for Battered Women; and WHEREAS, In coming together to address their common concerns, the association's members have made significant contributions to the betterment of their community and set an inspiring example for other such groups to follow; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor the Eastside Civic Association for its positive efforts in behalf of the community.