79R18725 MDM-F

By:  Zedler                                                       H.R. No. 2037

WHEREAS, Glen Huse of Arlington retired from the Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts on February 28, 2005, after a distinguished career that spanned nearly three decades; and WHEREAS, Serving in the position of auditor in the Fort Worth field office, Mr. Huse earned the respect and admiration of his coworkers and of all those in the business community with whom he worked; and WHEREAS, This graduate of Texas Tech University chose to dedicate his professional life to public service, a responsibility he assumed and carried with distinction; his commitment to the work of this state was evidenced daily by his unstinting diligence in the fair and equitable application of state tax laws and by his adamant belief that taxpayers be treated with dignity and respect; and WHEREAS, A longtime resident of Arlington, Mr. Huse is a native of Lamesa, where his keen intelligence and strength of character were shaped by loving parents, Felix and Gertrude Huse, and by South Plains ideals that still favor hard work, honesty, and individual accomplishment; and WHEREAS, Mr. Huse has maintained, and values, the friendships of his youth, when sweltering summer days were defined by cotton fields, hay bales, and roofing hammers, and cool summer nights were spent at the SkyVue outdoor theater in a Rambler station wagon that made innumerable circuits around the courthouse square; and WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, this devoted family man has enjoyed the love and support of his son, Matt, and daughter, Lisa; he is known by friends, family, and colleagues for his unflagging work ethic, abiding honesty, generosity of spirit, and gentle sense of humor; and WHEREAS, His outstanding personal assets and his memorable contributions to the work of the comptroller's office identify Glen Huse as an outstanding Texan and provide a true testament of a good man whose legacy will endure far beyond his tenure as a public servant; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commend Felix Glen Huse for his years of dedicated service in the Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued happiness and success; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Huse as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.