79R18835 MAM-D

By:  Escobar                                                      H.R. No. 2070

WHEREAS, Martin Lopez, Jr., of Falfurrias has made a notable contribution to the veterans community of South Texas as the founder and coordinator of the Coastal Bend Veteran of the Month program; and WHEREAS, With support from the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars and sponsorship from various businesses and individuals, the program honors former service members and awards them with a special flag from the nation's Capitol; since the program's founding in 1989, more than 350 flags have been presented to area veterans, schools, and organizations; and WHEREAS, Born in Falfurrias in 1946, Mr. Lopez attended Del Mar College and served in the military; he worked for the Corpus Christi Army Depot for more than 33 years and retired in 2001; and WHEREAS, For many years, this esteemed Texan has been an active community leader, coordinating a senior citizens program and, most recently, assuming the role of president of the Heritage Museum; no stranger to honors, he has been recognized by a number of organizations, including the Falfurrias Chamber of Commerce, Woodmen of the World, and the U.S. Army; and WHEREAS, A tireless advocate for those who have served their country, Martin Lopez has demonstrated great patriotism and dedication in paying tribute to area veterans; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor Martin Lopez, Jr., for his exceptional work as founder and coordinator of the Coastal Bend Veteran of the Month program and extend to him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Lopez as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.