79R18310 KO-D

By:  Swinford                                                     H.R. No. 2071

WHEREAS, Speaker Tom Craddick and Representatives David Swinford, Robby Cook, Rob Eissler, Carter Casteel, Rick Hardcastle, Ruben Hope, and Lois Kolkhorst are supporters of Texas A&M University and its outstanding Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and have sponsored interns during the 79th legislative session; and WHEREAS, The ANRP program has sent student interns to Austin and Washington, D.C., since 1990, and the program's 15th anniversary provides an excellent opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the program and recognize the ANRP participants who are currently working with members of the legislature; and WHEREAS, The internship program was established when a member of the U.S. Congress sought an intern from Texas A&M University with a background in agricultural and natural resources; since then, 425 ANRP students have worked in our nation's and state's capitals, interning not only for state agencies and legislative offices in Austin but also for the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, and Texas congressional offices in Washington; and WHEREAS, Applicants face a rigorous screening process and are evaluated for suitability as ANRP interns based on such criteria as leadership in academic and extracurricular activities, interpersonal skills, writing ability, grade point average, and knowledge and interest in policy issues; once selected, interns receive scholarships to help defray tuition and other expenses and academic course credit for their work; most importantly, they gain invaluable insight into public service and firsthand knowledge of the policy-making process; as evidence of their enhanced marketability in the workforce, at least 15 alumni of the program are currently working as staff members in the Texas Legislature and more than 50 alumni have returned to Washington to secure full-time positions following graduation from Texas A&M; and WHEREAS, Under the leadership of Dr. Elsa Murano, vice chancellor and dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 12 students are currently serving as ANRP interns for the 79th Texas Legislature; they are Marca Ewers, Scott Goodwin, Kyle Graves, Keri Hoelscher, Weston Holmstrom, Laci LaPlante, Stephanie Largent, Dalynn Rogers, Shelby Smith, Rebecca Thompson, Sally Wright, and Tom Ben Williams; and WHEREAS, These dedicated students from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University have provided vital support to the legislature throughout the session while gaining valuable experience in public service, and it is a pleasure to recognize the contributions of these exceptional young men and women as well as the role of this outstanding program in preparing a new generation of leaders; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commend the current participants of the Texas A&M University Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program for their hard work and dedication and honor this significant endeavor on the 15th anniversary of its founding; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the ANRP interns as an expression of appreciation and high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.