79R19276 JNC-D

By:  Farrar                                                       H.R. No. 2074

WHEREAS, During the 79th Legislative Session, social work students from the University of Houston and The University of Texas ably served their fellow Texans as interns at the State Capitol; and WHEREAS, Throughout their tenure, interns garner valuable knowledge of the legislative process and the issues facing the citizens of the Lone Star State while at the same time providing important support services to the members and committees; and WHEREAS, Interns from the University of Houston include: Legislative Study Group students Reesa Joyce, Mickey Montemayor, Jennifer Miller, Jackie Duron, and Jamie Frank; Brigitte Zabak, serving in the office of Representative Jessica Farrar; Kelly Foster, serving in the office of Senator Mario Gallegos; Kathryn McCarter, serving in the office of Representative Melissa Noriega; Demetri Lopez, serving in the office of Representative Garnet Coleman; Rebecca Rosalez, serving in the offices of Representative Lon Burnam and Representative Rafael Anchia; interns from The University of Texas include: Andrea Perez, serving in the office of Senator Eliot Shapleigh; Sharon Eads, serving in the office of Representative Eddie Rodriguez; Morgan Walthall, serving in the office of Representative John Davis; Betsy Payne and David Beard, serving in the office of Representative Elliott Naishtat; and Lauren Postler, serving in the office of Representative Dawnna Dukes; and WHEREAS, The diligent efforts of these notable young men and women have been infused with a knowledge of social and economic justice that has surely benefited the legislative process and the citizens of the Lone Star State, and it is a pleasure to recognize their contributions at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commend the social work students from the University of Houston and The University of Texas for their exceptional work throughout the session and extend to them sincere best wishes for success with all their future endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the interns as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.