79R19444 JHS-D

By:  Wong                                                         H.R. No. 2192

WHEREAS, The Karl Young Park Renovation Project in Houston was recently completed, and area residents are commemorating this noteworthy achievement on June 8, 2005, with a celebratory picnic; and WHEREAS, Established on April 14, 1954, to honor Karl Young, who spent his life helping young people and who died in 1936, this beloved park has benefited from the contributions of numerous individuals and organizations who have raised funds and volunteered time and energy toward completing the two phases of the renovation project; and WHEREAS, Phase I, which was completed in June 2000, was made possible by the generosity of individuals and corporate donors, as well as the support of private foundations, the Braeswood Place Homeowners Association, and the City of Houston, which together raised more than $350,000 to procure and install new park equipment; and WHEREAS, With the completion of Phase II in May 2005, the total value of the park project, including in-kind donations, reached approximately $500,000; supporters of the project employed a number of unique and effective fund-raising techniques, while several area organizations, such as Kids Who Care, the Braeswood Place Garden Club, and Boy Scout Troop 1190, helped beautify the park by planting flowers and ground cover and refurbishing the park's picnic tables; and WHEREAS, Many people are responsible for this project, including two of Karl Young's family members, Louise Young and Arlin Peltier; others making notable contributions include Karl Young Park Committee members Lisa Robinson, Cathy Hawley, Paul and Amelia Gillespie, Leanne DePuey, Ann Radtke, Sarah Baker, and Judy Siverson, Sheila Condon of Clark Condon Associates, and Houston Parks Board staff members Candyce Rylander, Roksan Okan-Vick, Trent Rondot, Shirley Taylor, Deborah Rule, and Georgette Therault; and WHEREAS, Working toward the achievement of a common goal is an indicator of community unity and civic pride, and this impressive display of public-spiritedness will benefit area residents for generations to come; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby commemorate the completion of the Karl Young Park Renovation Project and commend the many individuals who have contributed to the realization of this important endeavor.