H.R. No. 2199

WHEREAS, The Highland Oaks Church of Christ in Dallas will be celebrating its 150th Anniversary on August 6, 2005; and WHEREAS, On August 6, 1855, leaders in the city of Dallas and six families, including the families of John Higgs Cole, Benjamin Franklin Hall, William Henry Hord, William Brown Miller, Jefferson Peak, and Harvey Shepherd, came together and formed a church to share a common belief and to offer worship to God; and WHEREAS, After meeting in private homes and at the courthouse, the group was joined by the families of James J. Collins, John J. Eakins, Colby Smith, Dr. John Saunders, Barton Warren Stone, John Fletcher, M. M. Morrow, William Morton, and Dr. I. L. Van Zandt; and WHEREAS, In 1863 Mr. Charles Carlton came to Dallas and moved the church services to a schoolhouse, and when he left in 1865 the church met in the Masonic Hall and later back in the courthouse until they built the first church building in Dallas in 1867 near the corner of Carondelet, now Ross, and Market Streets; and WHEREAS, The church congregation has relocated from different locations throughout its history, including the Ross and Market Streets location, which is now a Dallas historical marker where the church was known as First Christian Church, to property at the corner of Pearl and Bryan Streets, the first brick church building built in Dallas in 1881 known as the Pearl and Bryan Church of Christ, to property at the corner of Garland Road and Centerville in 1955 known as the Garland Road Church of Christ, and finally to its current location on Kingsley/LBJ Freeway in 1983 known as the Highland Oaks Church of Christ; and WHEREAS, The congregation has increased from six families and 12 members in 1855 to 1,500 members in 2005, and is currently led by an outstanding minister, Mr. Tim Spivey; now, therefore, be it WHEREAS, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the Highland Oaks Church of Christ on their 150th anniversary and for their continuing ministry to the citizens of Dallas; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the Highland Oaks Church of Christ as an expression of high regard from the Texas House of Representatives. Hunter Keffer of Dallas Griggs McReynolds Swinford ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 2199 was adopted by the House on May 29, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House