79R19922 MW-D

By:  Alonzo                                                       H.R. No. 2229

WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor the Dallas Association for Bilingual Education (DABE) on its outstanding record of service to the people of this state in enhancing the quality of education provided for the children of the community and ensuring the equality of educational opportunity available to all segments of the community's diverse population; and WHEREAS, Recognizing the special educational needs of schoolchildren with limited English-speaking ability and committed to addressing those needs, concerned members of the Dallas education community founded this organization to promote bilingual, multicultural programs of instruction in the Dallas Independent School District and other school districts in the North Texas Metroplex area; and WHEREAS, Underlying the programs and methods advocated by the association is the fundamental premise that equality of educational opportunity can be achieved through bilingual education without sacrificing the equally important goal of academic excellence; and WHEREAS, By promoting bilingual education and multicultural programs for every student, the association hopes not only to provide a quality education for students with limited English proficiency but also to instill in all schoolchildren an appreciation of the contributions made by every group in an ethnically and culturally diverse society; and WHEREAS, Since 1986, DABE has been affiliated with the Texas Association for Bilingual Education and has been active in statewide efforts to address relevant issues at the state and national level as well as at the local level; since joining forces with the state organization, the Dallas association has greatly expanded its reach, increasing its ability to serve as an educational resource, to provide training for teachers operating in a bilingual classroom environment, and to take a multifaceted, comprehensive approach in furthering its objectives; and WHEREAS, Appreciative of its valuable service to the state over the years, this legislative body wishes to take advantage of the 2005 installation of DABE officers to bestow on the association the praise and recognition it so richly deserves; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor the Dallas Association for Bilingual Education on its outstanding record of service to the community and its noteworthy dedication to its goal of improving the quality of education provided to all the people of this state; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the association as an expression of high esteem by the Texas House of Representatives.