H.R. No. 2255

WHEREAS, Massey Villarreal of Missouri City has made an exceptional contribution to the State of Texas as a member of the board of the Mexican American Legislative Leadership Foundation (MALLF); and WHEREAS, MALLF is dedicated to the professional development of Latino youth and sponsors the Moreno/Rangel Legislative Leadership Program, which provides opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to serve as policy interns and fellows for members of the Texas House of Representatives; and WHEREAS, The current Texas Economic Development Governing Board chairman, Mr. Villarreal is president and chief executive officer of Precision Task Group, Inc., a computer consulting firm with offices in Houston, Dallas, and Tampa, Florida; he earned his bachelor's degree in computer science from Texas A&M--Corpus Christi and has served in leadership roles on the boards of numerous professional and nonprofit organizations, including the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce, the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the Latin American Management Association; he also served as national vice chairman of the Bush/Cheney campaign; and WHEREAS, Committed to bolstering educational opportunities throughout the state, Mr. Villarreal was appointed to serve a six-year term as a member of the Board of Regents of the Texas State University System; and WHEREAS, The strength of our communities depends on the dedication of individuals like Massey Villarreal, who has consistently worked to promote government and civic participation, and it is a privilege to recognize his accomplishments; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor Massey Villarreal for his outstanding service as a member of the board of the Mexican American Legislative Leadership Foundation and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued achievement; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Villarreal as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Gallego Craddick Geren Menendez Allen of Harris Giddings Merritt Allen of Dallas Gonzales Miller Alonzo Gonzalez Toureilles Moreno of Harris Anchia Goodman Moreno of El Paso Anderson Goolsby Morrison Bailey Griggs Mowery Baxter Grusendorf Naishtat Berman Guillen Nixon Blake Haggerty Noriega Bohac Hamilton Oliveira Bonnen Hamric Olivo Branch Hardcastle Orr Brown of Kaufman Harper-Brown Otto Brown of Brazos Hartnett Paxton Burnam Hegar Pena Callegari Herrero Phillips Campbell Hilderbran Pickett Casteel Hill Pitts Castro Hochberg Puente Chavez Hodge Quintanilla Chisum Homer Raymond Coleman Hope Reyna Cook of Navarro Hopson Riddle Cook of Colorado Howard Ritter Corte Hughes Rodriguez Crabb Hunter Rose Crownover Hupp Seaman Davis of Harris Isett Smith of Tarrant Davis of Dallas Jackson Smith of Harris Dawson Jones of Lubbock Smithee Delisi Jones of Dallas Solis Denny Keel Solomons Deshotel Keffer of Dallas Strama Driver Keffer of Eastland Straus Dukes King of Parker Swinford Dunnam King of Zavala Talton Dutton Kolkhorst Taylor Edwards Krusee Thompson Eiland Kuempel Truitt Eissler Laney Turner Elkins Laubenberg Uresti Escobar Leibowitz Van Arsdale Farabee Luna Veasey Farrar Madden Villarreal Flores Martinez Vo Flynn Martinez Fischer West Frost McCall Wong Gallego McClendon Woolley Gattis McReynolds Zedler ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 2255 was adopted by the House on May 30, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House